The Team

Shin Green


Shin provides Financial Advisory, Facilities Planning and Fiscal Consulting Services to our clients. His areas of focus include analyzing the feasibility of debt, managing finances for capital projects and advising clients in the issuance of general and limited obligation, as well as revenue-backed debt. Having been involved in over 150 debt financing transactions raising over $2.0 billion for projects, he has the experience and contacts required to assist clients in getting the funding they need. In addition to General Obligation (GO) Bonds, his prior portfolio includes issuances of Federal tax credit and subsidy financings, privately placed debt financings, COP issuances, and developer financings, which often require special considerations. Having spent several years in the City of Rocklin Finance Division, he is fully aware of the internal pressures, concerns and high-level fiduciary responsibility demanded of public entities. Also, as a former auditor of public agencies, he has had the opportunity to review a variety of approaches and transactions well beyond his own direct experiences. This combination allows Shin to work seamlessly with clients and other industry professionals to bring your vision to reality in a responsible manner that maintains long-term fiscal health.

A product of Berkeley public school education, Shin received his BS in Business Administration from the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley. Shin currently resides in his hometown of Berkeley. He has Series 50 and Series 54 Licenses and is a registered Municipal Advisor Principal with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).

Michael Riemenschneider


Michael provides Facilities Planning, Election Strategies and Public Relations services to our clients, as he has assisted more than 100 districts throughout California obtain more than $2.0 billion to meet their needs. His work with administration, public service unions, major stakeholders, and other community members in the process shapes our advice for districts in developing potential measures and gathering community input to shape other solutions. His experiences help synchronize the entire team, matching financial realities with local political desires and allowing for clear and concise communication of what matters.

Michael received his BA and MA from Stanford University, focusing on rural demographics and their influences on political preferences, particularly on the North Coast. He currently resides in Oakland with his wife, Angela Rodriguez Riemenschneider, and their two young sons, Diego and Luca. Michael has Series 50 and Series 54 Licenses and is a registered Municipal Advisor Principal with the MSRB.


Shin Green


Shin provides Financial Advisory, Facilities Planning and Fiscal Consulting Services to our clients. His areas of focus include analyzing the feasibility of debt, managing finances for capital projects and advising clients in the issuance of general and limited obligation, as well as revenue-backed debt. Having been involved in over 150 debt financing transactions raising over $2.0 billion for projects, he has the experience and contacts required to assist clients in getting the funding they need. In addition to General Obligation (GO) Bonds, his prior portfolio includes issuances of Federal tax credit and subsidy financings, privately placed debt financings, COP issuances, and developer financings, which often require special considerations. Having spent several years in the City of Rocklin Finance Division, he is fully aware of the internal pressures, concerns and high-level fiduciary responsibility demanded of public entities. Also, as a former auditor of public agencies, he has had the opportunity to review a variety of approaches and transactions well beyond his own direct experiences. This combination allows Shin to work seamlessly with clients and other industry professionals to bring your vision to reality in a responsible manner that maintains long-term fiscal health.

A product of Berkeley public school education, Shin received his BS in Business Administration from the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley. Shin currently resides in his hometown of Berkeley. He has Series 50 and Series 54 Licenses and is a registered Municipal Advisor Principal with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).


Michael Riemenschneider


Michael provides Facilities Planning, Election Strategies and Public Relations services to our clients, as he has assisted more than 100 districts throughout California obtain more than $2.0 billion to meet their needs. His work with administration, public service unions, major stakeholders, and other community members in the process shapes our advice for districts in developing potential measures and gathering community input to shape other solutions. His experiences help synchronize the entire team, matching financial realities with local political desires and allowing for clear and concise communication of what matters.

Michael received his BA and MA from Stanford University, focusing on rural demographics and their influences on political preferences, particularly on the North Coast. He currently resides in Oakland with his wife, Angela Rodriguez Riemenschneider, and their two young sons, Diego and Luca. Michael has Series 50 and Series 54 Licenses and is a registered Municipal Advisor Principal with the MSRB.